Welcome to the JV Resources Page for Profit Singularity
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Product Information
What Is Profit Singularity?
This is a proven, step-by-step system for making consistent, passive income from affiliate marketing through YouTube. This untapped traffic source is generating our students tens of thousands in profit every single day and nothing like this has ever been shown before. We have created a highly successful strategy that leverages AI and creates a very straight-forward path to success, even for beginners.
The 4 main methods of monetization are:
1. Earning high CPA commissions on digital and physical products
2. Earning recurring commissions from monthly recurring products
3. Earning high percentage commissions on low-ticket digital products
4. Earning high commissions from high ticket offers
5 Reasons This Course Is Different
1. Untapped, “blue-ocean” traffic source that’s even bigger than Facebook. Until now, no one has ever revealed how to have massive success with affiliate marketing through YouTube.
2. Cutting-edge, artificial intelligence software that drastically reduces the time required to achieve success and means students will never be on video or even use their own voice.
3. Very reliable source of profit - Forget ad account shutdowns. Look forward to consistent income like never before.
4. Unlimited scale - When students get their winning funnel, there is no limit to how much they can scale in just a single account... $5k, $10k, $30k, $60k... the sky’s the limit. Our group of affiliates already using this method are hauling in massive profits.
5. Proven, repeatable system with winning templates to start having success from Day 1: videos, landing pages, offers, ad scripts, everything.

Student Bios
Best Day: $15,178
Married, Father of 6 living in Salt Lake City, Utah (USA)
Is a devoted Mormom and Prayer/Religion is a Huge component of his life
Had a 9-Figure real estate investment business and got completely wiped out in 2008
Had excruciating pain and shame of watching all his investment properties, cars, and all other valuables get taken by creditors while living with 6 inches high of collection bills
Rising from the ashes, humbly left his family to pursue any job away from his family just to put food on the table.
He’s always had Coaches or Mentors in every facet of his life so when he discovered Affiliate Marketing, he came into our FB course and joined Mentorship as soon as it was offered b/c it’s the fastest way to success
While he did well on FB, he’s never had this much success and at such a rapid pace on Google
Best Day: $10,005
Single, Late 30’s, living in San Diego, California (USA)
After spending nearly 10 years as a Certified Financial Planner, I first found my interest and desire for internet marketing back around 2010.
Like many who are interested in earning income online I've purchased many courses over the years, with varying degrees of mostly lackluster success (or no success at all).
I wanted a blueprint, a roadmap to follow to success where I didn't have to figure out the "what" or the "how", I just had to implement.
Life has transformed for me since finding this program. I went from a place of money being the largest constant source of stress in my life, to being one of the biggest sources of confidence.
Within 5 weeks of achieving my first breakthrough day ($1,000 made in 1 day) I made $123,915, of which over $67,000 was profit.
Best Day: $3,596
Single, Late 20’s, living in Australia
Older brother of Chris Reader (Co-Creator of Profit Singularity)
Wasn’t originally interested in online marketing, but did have a front row seat watching his brother start in late 2018 on FB and quickly became a Top Affiliate on Clickbank
Spent most of his young career in Phone Sales. Loved it at first, but quickly realized customer support and always needing new leads “to close” causes burnout.
Plus phone sales is limited by the number of hours in a day to be on the phone closing where affiliate marketing is a 24/7 machine
His big dream is to really make an impact on this planet by creating bio-diverse hospitals and private lands.
Really work the ecosystem there and start doing a lot of experiments in terms of behavioral ecology and using acoustics and things like that to influence the environment.
Best Day: $1,555
Happily married, Late 40’s/Early 50’s mother of 2 daughters
Used to be a real estate appraiser running her own business.
She also got into real estate investing in 2002 flipping properties.
In 4 years, accumulated a 16 unit apartment building (took a long time to save enough cash) along with a Single family home
The 2008 Recession wiped her out and had to Short Sell all of it
Separately, in 2014 she had a profound tragedy that radically shifted her life that inspired her to start a non-profit
She’s written a book, started a blog, and a Podcast 2 ½ years ago
Her non-profit has:
Personally helped 100’s of families dealing with the loss of a child
Provided 4,500 K-12 grade students with social and emotional education support
The problem was while she’s raising money for the non-profit, she doesn’t take a salary so 100% goes to her cause so she had to find a way to make money to help support her family
Started a year ago with our company running FB
Was such a dedicated, hard worker that she was one of the first to be invited into our Beta group and has been doing well
Best Day: $15,083
Single, 21yo, from Chile, South America
Growing up in a 3rd World country, $500 usd a month is the average salary
Spanish is 1st language so he had to overcome copywriting for ads and landers 5 years ago (at 16yo) started doing Amazon FBA (course) = lost most of his $
He Made $3k in 1 month at 18yo = felt incredible! Now he makes that in a few hours on Google!
**He didn’t know how to make money to pay for Ads during a Global Pandemic in his country whose economy was suffering so badlyHe looked for opportunities and found that there was a huge shortage of dumbbells and weights for gyms because steel was in short supply. He started importing Concrete Weights and make $10k usd to be able to use it all to start his Google Ads business
= No excuses b/c English is not his native language and he was resourceful to earn money to fuel his DREAM.
His 2 main “Why’s” that drive him so hard:
Family = to financially take care of his family and better their lives (didn’t grow up with $)
Personal Achievement = We are responsible to reach our own maximum potential which requires discipline to be the best version of himself. Wants Excellence in all areas of his life.
Best Day: $1,138 Best Day (only been in a group a short time)
32yo, has a son with longtime girlfriend from Australia.
Sold Caravans for good commissions, but was drained and never saw his kid.
Did the unthinkable and walked away from it to refocus his life so took a manual labor job cleaning BBQ's & ovens to make $ while learning online marketing.
Started blog aff mktg in 2018 and it almost killed him time and emotional wise keeping up with content and seeing little return always fearing losing Google search Page 1 status
Found Gerry & Rob to learn Paid Ads
Came late into our YT beta group and has been making sales quickly and broke $1k/day
Best Day: $2,720 on Aug 15th, Did $1,280 on Aug 14th = DOUBLED his #’s in 24 hours!
24 year old guy originally from NJ now living in Los Angeles with Australian girlfriend
Has 2 full-time jobs in LA both in service client consultation which he wants out of:
Works at a Consulting company
Is a Social Media influencer consultant
In our Beta Tester group under a month -> Got sales in 4 days & quickly got to $1k/day
Failed with 15 different companies in multiple make money online business models before founding our system
Dream is to be Location Independent and have a company he can take with him to move to Australia so his girlfriend can be close to her parents
Our system is so efficient, effective, and after trying many platforms...Google is the easiest, user friendly by far
Best Day: $31,806 (*This is the Lead guy for our eBook!*)
32yo Immigrant married and lives in Boise, Idaho with his wife, sister, and parents
Born in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation
Fled to Uzbekistan at 2yo and grew up in Russian schools = Knows 5 languages
Immigrated to the US in 2007 in high school = English is his 5th language
Was a big Video Gamer (and introvert). Eventually realized he needed to take his skills and apply them to make money to support his wife and parents
Took that gaming and applied it to Affiliate Marketing = calm temperament running ads and sees it like a Game to be played, level up, and win!
Based on his upbringing and hardships, he fortified his Mindset and went all in.
Biggest issue at this point is cash flow to keep funding $20k+ daily budgets!
Best Day: $8,311
58yo Widower with 4 kids living in Australia
Lots of financial and personal hardships over his life (lost his wife and daughter)
Lost all his real estate holdings to fund his wife’s medical treatments
Has rebuilt his career 3 major times
Was a business consultant for General Contractors helping them grow, but he didn’t
Paid ads are his comeback story and a 4th chance at life to hopefully retire by 65
Struggled with ads until Keegan laid out his formula and then his campaigns skyrocketed!
Images & Videos
Testimonials & Screenshots
WhatsApp Screenshots
Interviews & Screenshots
Contact Information
Please DO NOT Hesitate to Contact us!
Reach out to our JV Manager, Jeffrey Sandoval, for all your Joint Venture questions, and he'll get back to you ASAP.
Email: affiliates@profitsjv.com
Skype: unica_jeffreys (Note: Jeffrey is in the Philippines, so there will likely be a timezone difference)
We THANK YOU for your support and can’t wait to provide your customers with great value while giving you an opportunity to earn solid commissions!
The Fine Print
In order to be eligible for whitelisting in this promotion, all Affiliates must agree to the following:
- You, as an affiliate or JV partner for ‘Profit Singularity’ have read and fully agree to follow the FTC Guidelines for affiliate marketing and terms listed on the Official FTC Website – http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/guides.shtm to ensure that your promotions are compliant with the new guidelines.
- NO NEGATIVE MARKETING. Negative marketing such as, “This is a Scam” and then turning around to promote the product with your affiliate link is not permitted under any circumstances. This will get ALL commissions negated, and you will not be allowed to promote any future products from our company.
- If negative marketing is not removed immediately, we reserve the right to take legal action. Brand image is very important to all of us and it is not fair to those being represented in this manner.
- As an affiliate, if you purchase the product under your own link, we will VOID YOUR COMMISSIONS.
- Your total sales and opt-in contest prizes cannot exceed your commissions earned. If you win a prize but do not meet the minimum sales, you will be moved to the tier that you qualify for. To be eligible for any lead prize, your conversion to sales must not be significantly below the average. This is at our sole discretion.
- Affiliate sales must qualify as legitimate transactions based on our terms and conditions. All transactions will be monitored and automatically reviewed. If any sales transactions associated with your affiliate ID and/or account do not line up with the types of qualified sales most typically seen through normal traffic generation methods, our system will flag your account. This will trigger a manual review of your transactions, and if necessary your sites and traffic practices.
- Any questionable transactions will be investigated. We reserve the right to withhold payment of commissions until the review process is completed. If, after a manual review, any transactions are deemed questionable, any earned commissions on those transactions could be invalidated and you may not be paid for them.
- Affiliates are not permitted to use any keyword-based advertising (such as search engine PPC) targeting a keyword of any of Rob Jones's, Gerry Cramer's or Profit Singularity brands.
(For example, you may not target the keyword "Profit Singularity" in your PPC campaign.) - You may not give away any of OUR material (for example ebook) under any circumstances without prior written consent. (for example, you may not collect an email address in exchange for our eBook).
- Please make sure that your review/bonus site does not accidentally (or purposely) represent as us in any way - so using our logo on your page is probably fine, but in your header, maybe not - use your discretion and contact us if you have questions.
- You may not use your affiliate link on any of OUR pages (such as comments section).
- Affiliates are not permitted to use domain names containing any of Rob Jones's or Gerry Cramer's brands to promote.
For example, you may not use profitsingularity.org because it has the term “Profit Singularity" in it, which is one of our brands.
During further review, you may be asked for the following:
1. Your full name
2. Your phone number (in case we need to interview you)
3. Method of promo (i.e. Email marketing, Facebook, Solo ads, Blog, etc)
4. Proof of method(s) used to promote (snapshot of email list, facebook ad, solo ad receipt, blog display, etc)