Our Top Student from Last Year’s Launch is Now Making over $500,000 PER WEEK in Commissions!
Profit Singularity is an epic affiliate training program that is breaking all sorts of records for student success. And the 2022 edition being launched in September is even better!
Our students have already made over $100,000,000 in commissions (verifiable by various affiliate networks including Clickbank and Maxweb).
Currently, we have so many bucketloads of success stories it’s actually challenging to decide which ones will make the final cut to become part of our promotion of this year's launch.
And it’s all because of our cutting edge method using a specific type of YouTube ads, A.I. enhanced funnels, templates, and cutting-edge software (that builds high converting youtube video ads for them, text-to-video).
This 2022 launch of “Profit Singularity Ultra Edition” will be TOTALLY DIFFERENT to anything else that has been done before.
Register NOW as an Affiliate for This Year’s Launch (September 6-22)...

Our last 4 launches alone have made our JV partners over $19.5 MILLION in affiliate commissions and prizes!...
…And the 2022 launch of Profit Singularity Ultra Edition includes over $100,000 in prizes for affiliates!
PLUS, we are also paying out $2 per opt-in lead (ON TOP) of the regular prelaunch and sales-based prizes!
Here are a few quick details:

Register as an Affiliate Now!
Enter Your First Name & Email To Get Instant Access Now!
We don't sell, rent, lease or give away user email addresses. We will not share your email information with third parties.
Save The Dates:
September 6 to September 22

Here Are The Exact Dates
To Help Schedule Your Mailings

Pre-Launch Starts

First LiveCast

Cart Close at Midnight

Register as an Affiliate Now!
Enter Your First Name & Email To Get Instant Access Now!
We don't sell, rent, lease or give away user email addresses. We will not share your email information with third parties.
Now The FUN Part!
Over $100,000 in Prizes!
There are 2 Different Contests In Just ONE Launch!
#1 Leads Prizes Or Cash Equivalent
(September 6th - September 13th)
Make Our Top 10 Prelaunch Leads Leaderboard and Get Huge Cash Prizes!
We are also paying $2 commissions per OPT IN for prelaunch (ON TOP) of the prizes and commissions they may win during launch.**
#2 Sales Prizes Or Cash Equivalent
(September 13th - September 22nd)
Make Our Top 10 For The Sales Contest and Win Amazing Prizes! First Prize is a BMW! (Or Cash Equivalent $40,000)
3 MAIN Reason To Promote The Pre-Launch
- 1Obviously you’ll make a LOT of commissions
- 2We will do a LOT of work during the 7 day Pre-Launch to warm up your leads!
- 3You win cool prizes & give GREAT value to your subscribers!
**If you want to participate in the $2/lead prelaunch payout, you MUST get written approval via email from us. The reason for this should be obvious... to get approval, please email our JV Manager (affiliates@profitsjv.com) with details of A) who you are, or B) how you intend to drive your leads. We will reply to confirm that you are approved to participate and earn $2/lead. $2/lead will be paid out on each UNIQUE lead that you refer that comes from the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France. Leads not on the countries mentioned here will not qualify for $2/lead payments. You will be paid for your leads via Paypal. You'll also need a minimum of 25 leads to be qualified to receive payments.
**We reserve the right to reduce the payment amount in the unlikely event that the leads result in zero or extremely low sales relative to the number of leads sent. This can only happen if the lead quality sent is significantly below that of what most partners send in this launch. We do tend to err on the side of being generous, rather than looking to ‘nitpick’.
***The prelaunch contest counts optins from the Tier 1 countries that we pay $2 per lead for (on top of other prizes and commissions). Those countries are listed further down the page. Most people are also sending other opt ins from countries outside the Tier 1 countries listed… These don’t count towards your prelaunch leads total for the contest, but they DO count towards your commissions and we still follow up with them with all the content of the launch.

Register as an Affiliate Now!
Enter Your First Name & Email To Get Instant Access Now!
We don't sell, rent, lease or give away user email addresses. We will not share your email information with third parties.

What Is
Profit Singularity Ultra Edition?
This is a proven, step-by-step system for making consistent, passive income from affiliate marketing through YouTube. This untapped traffic source is generating our students tens of thousands in profit every single day and nothing like this has ever been shown before. We have created a highly successful strategy that leverages AI and creates a very straight-forward path to success, even for beginners.
The 4 main methods of monetization are:
- 1Earning high CPA commissions on digital and physical products
- 2Earning recurring commissions from monthly recurring products
- 3Earning high percentage commissions on low-ticket digital products
- 4Earning high commissions from high ticket offers
5 Reasons This Course Is Different
- 1Untapped, “blue-ocean” traffic source that’s even bigger than Facebook. Until now, no one has ever revealed how to have massive success with affiliate marketing through YouTube.
- 2Cutting-edge, artificial intelligence software that drastically reduces the time required to achieve success and means students will never be on video or even use their own voice.
- 3Very reliable source of profit - Forget ad account shutdowns. Look forward to consistent income like never before.
- 4Unlimited scale - When students get their winning funnel, there is no limit to how much they can scale in just a single account... $5k, $10k, $30k, $60k... the sky’s the limit. Our group of affiliates already using this method are hauling in massive profits.
- 5Proven, repeatable system with winning templates to start having success from Day 1: videos, landing pages, offers, ad scripts, everything.
Contact Information
Please DO NOT Hesitate to Contact us!
Reach out to our JV Manager, Jeffrey Sandoval, for all your Joint Venture questions, and he'll get back to you ASAP.
Email: affiliates@profitsjv.com
Skype: unica_jeffreys (Note: Jeffrey is in the Philippines, so there will likely be a timezone difference)
We THANK YOU for your support and can’t wait to provide your customers with great value while giving you an opportunity to earn solid commissions!

Register as an Affiliate Now!
Enter Your First Name & Email To Get Instant Access Now!
We don't sell, rent, lease or give away user email addresses. We will not share your email information with third parties.
The Fine Print
In order to be eligible for whitelisting in this promotion, all Affiliates must agree to the following:
- You, as an affiliate or JV partner for ‘Profit Singularity’ have read and fully agree to follow the FTC Guidelines for affiliate marketing and terms listed on the Official FTC Website – http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/guides.shtm to ensure that your promotions are compliant with the new guidelines.
- NO NEGATIVE MARKETING. Negative marketing such as, “This is a Scam” and then turning around to promote the product with your affiliate link is not permitted under any circumstances. This will get ALL commissions negated, and you will not be allowed to promote any future products from our company.
- If negative marketing is not removed immediately, we reserve the right to take legal action. Brand image is very important to all of us and it is not fair to those being represented in this manner.
- As an affiliate, if you purchase the product under your own link, we will VOID YOUR COMMISSIONS.
- Your total sales and opt-in contest prizes cannot exceed your commissions earned. If you win a prize but do not meet the minimum sales, you will be moved to the tier that you qualify for. To be eligible for any lead prize, your conversion to sales must not be significantly below the average. This is at our sole discretion.
- Affiliate sales must qualify as legitimate transactions based on our terms and conditions. All transactions will be monitored and automatically reviewed. If any sales transactions associated with your affiliate ID and/or account do not line up with the types of qualified sales most typically seen through normal traffic generation methods, our system will flag your account. This will trigger a manual review of your transactions, and if necessary your sites and traffic practices.
- Any questionable transactions will be investigated. We reserve the right to withhold payment of commissions until the review process is completed. If, after a manual review, any transactions are deemed questionable, any earned commissions on those transactions could be invalidated and you may not be paid for them.
- Affiliates are not permitted to use any keyword-based advertising (such as search engine PPC) targeting a keyword of any of Rob Jones's, Gerry Cramer's or Profit Singularity brands.
(For example, you may not target the keyword "Profit Singularity" in your PPC campaign.) - You may not give away any of OUR material (for example ebook) under any circumstances without prior written consent. (for example, you may not collect an email address in exchange for our eBook).
- Please make sure that your review/bonus site does not accidentally (or purposely) represent as us in any way - so using our logo on your page is probably fine, but in your header, maybe not - use your discretion and contact us if you have questions.
- You may not use your affiliate link on any of OUR pages (such as comments section).
- Affiliates are not permitted to use domain names containing any of Rob Jones's or Gerry Cramer's brands to promote.
For example, you may not use profitsingularity.org because it has the term “Profit Singularity" in it, which is one of our brands. - No order page links on review sites. No publicly posted webinar replay links either. Must link to webinar registration page, other opt in pages, or case studies that link to the webinar registration.
- The affiliate program is designed to encourage affiliates to introduce new students to join our webinars and then we bring them into the program on the webinars. Not to “sniper” sales from other affiliates who have done most of the work in getting the person to attend the workshop.
During further review, you may be asked for the following:
1. Your full name
2. Your phone number (in case we need to interview you)
3. Method of promo (i.e. Email marketing, Facebook, Solo ads, Blog, etc)
4. Proof of method(s) used to promote (snapshot of email list, facebook ad, solo ad receipt, blog display, etc)