Welcome to our Private Powercell Group!
Initial Powercell Skype Conversation History
Mark Ling: Hey guys, I just started this Singularity Profits Powercell, so that you guys can easily get questions answered etc, in setting up your own profitable 'case studies' for the promotion of Singularity Profits (www.profitsjv.com) in September.
This is an epic system with lots of crazy successful results already. We'll provide you with links to training etc and any handholding needed.
While this is not at all essential... This will make your promotions even more epic by being able to claim that you yourself are succeeding too with this incredible method.
Chris: Hello everyone nice to meet you, I’m Chris a partner in the creation of the course.
Going to form this little powercell to give you all the chance to test out the business model and get some case studies for the promotion

These are some of the screenshots, we can get you guys to this level would be perfect
Most of the extreme 0-7k days are the legend @Rob results
So the ability to scale up big and fast is very possible
Rob Jones: Welcome everyone
Chris: Since the refined version of the course isn’t fully ready for viewing yet, we have a plethora of resources here instead. Our test group has been using these to make excellent profits.
I’ll go ahead and curate all the resources so it’s as simple as possible
If you could all send me a gmail address I can go ahead and add you to a Google drive with the resources once it’s ready 👌🏼📈📈

This is a recent one of @Nick hit 24k day
Keegan: Nice to meet you all. Excited for everyone to have success
Keegan: The first PowerCell call recording is a little lengthy, but it encompasses most of what we are doing to fast track success
Chris: We’d like to do a zoom call to go over any questions and give guidance and action steps and just reduce any confusion you guys have. So if we’d like to set a date to do so I think it would be beneficial for everyone
Gerry Cramer: Hey, welcome everybody... looking forward to helping you all get some killer "personal proof" for your promos. In the past we've seen massive results from affiliates who incorporate this sort of proof into their promos... as I'm sure you all already know. It can add a layer of legitimacy and proof to claims... plus, it can give you some interesting story elements that aren't so cookie cutter and act as a nice pattern interrupt for your audience.
Plus, it should be quite easy and fun for you guys to actually do this system... it's pretty awesome. One of the easiest and enjoyable processes and results can come fast and without all the typical pain points you might see with Facebook Ads (account shutdowns, etc).
YouTube Ads is a different beast, still has that wild west feel to it, almost anything goes, for example, before-and-after photos are no problem, big claims are accepted (ie, lose 20 lbs in a month, etc).
It's also easier to scale your ad campaigns since you can start out raising your ad budget as fast as you want... it's pretty refreshing.
There are still a few logistical matters such as getting your tracking pixels setup, targeting, split testing, etc but we cover all those issues by the numbers... and you should have no problems.
Compared to any other affiliate ad method you've ever tried, you'll probably love it.
Hope to see you all on the Zoom call.
BTW you can also use this system to promote your own offers and other affiliate offers in the future.
Health, weight loss, supplement offers... it's all a go on YT. Make money online... totally fine. Relationship and dating... most of the stuff you'd find it hard to promote on FB is perfectly acceptable on YT. Just as a side note.
There's also no need to create your own ad copy for anyone who struggles with that. It's perfect for say someone who has english as their 2nd language. Because the vendors usually provide pretty good email swipes and other copy they can use out-of-the-box. And, it works very well.
The creative process for making ads is not limited by creativity. Not to hype it, but pretty much anyone can do it. You'll see what I mean. The video creation process is fun and easy, no need to speak, be on camera, come up with ad copy... etc

My personal case... 120% ROI single day result on day 5 of running ads to a typical clickbank weight loss affiliate offer.
Have ran 3 offers, two weight loss, one eyecare... all three have done multiple $1000's/day with over 100% ROI in each niche.
okay, i'll stop bombarding this thread now but, just wanted to share a few details so you guys hopefully can get excited about the potential of experiencing your own success with this model leading up to the launch.