Tips for JVs Running Private Breakthrough Webinars

Important Note: This video was made for a previous launch, but the ideas can still help:

Our launch model has changed, in a small but ‘likely to be’ highly effective way… We have a new way to achieve far even higher conversions than ever before. Please watch this video:

Additional Resources for Private Webinars

Webinar 1 Registration Page Info & Swipes: Click Here

Webinar 1 Introduction (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here

Webinar 1 Endorsement or Bonuses Section (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here

Webinar 2 Registration Page Info & Swipes: Click Here

Webinar 2 Introduction (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here

Webinar 2 Endorsement or Bonuses Section (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here

Bonuses You Can Offer

Here are several amazing bonuses you can offer if you're running private workshops.

VIP Tool #1: Ad Script Generator (Done-For-You Edition)

This is a special VIP edition of the already incredible video ad script generator. The difference here is, you don't even need to fill in the blanks, as you just select the product you want to promote from a list of over 100 profitable products that we've already reasearched and created tailored versions of the script generator specifically for. Then click 'Submit' and your uniquely generated ad script will be generated for that particular product.

VIP Tool #2: Email Funnel Generator

Every year I make multiple 7 figures from email marketing and until recently, my team and I have had to write each niche email, one by one. But now, we have cutting edge software that writes the email for you. Just fill in a couple of blanks and it creates promotional emails, content emails, and so forth. Here I give you these powerful writing tools AND instructions on how to use them so you can make lots of followup sales from your list.

VIP Tool #3: Opt-in Bribe Generator

Want to get more people onto your list but not sure what to give them to encourage them to opt in? That's where the opt-in bribe generator comes in handy. This generates the idea for a free report or a free book, and then writes that free report for you, including tying in that free report to promote a relevant affiliate product of your choice.

VIP Tool #4: Short Content Video Generator

This is handy for generating content that you can post to TikTok, YouTube shorts, or other short video social platforms. Use this to get free traffic to your Profit Singularity site to go along with the paid traffic.

VIP Tool #5: Advertorial Generator

Ever seen articles online that teach something really interesting, but ultimate lead to a promotion of an affiliate product? That's what this tool does. It does research into the topic, it teaches something really interesting, while also eventually promoting a highly relevant product. This is great for a variety of purposes and will make huge profits for many of you who choose to use this.

VIP Tool #6: The Ultimate Article Generator

This one-of-a-kind tool generates high quality articles that people actually want to read, learn from and enjoy. Forget about having those ai articles that really sound like they are written by a robot, or someone from the 1960s. This is really helpful for website content, membership content in certain niches, social media content, and a lot more. You can't find anything else out there like this because it has taken so much time to fine tune, train and develop, but by joining today, through the link on your screen, you'll also be given full access to this.

Some More Bonuses

Building Abundant Wealth (8 Keys To Financial Freedom)

Here you’ll hear from a multi-million dollar online marketer, as he shares the exact mindset shift that results in high financial success.

In essence, you’ll discover how to burn int your mind the thoughts, traits and habits of a MILLIONAIRE.

This session is likely to become a HUGE turning point in your journey towards financial freedom, and you'll discover what a critical role each of these 8 keys plays towards generating millionaire success.

Total Money Magnetism

In this cutting-edge program created by Millionaire Dr Steve G Jones, you’ll not only discover step-by-step how to reprogram your mind with a Millionaire’s Brain…
…You’ll also be given Self Hypnosis tracks, designed to help change your thought processes on a subconscious level. This will help make those Millionaire Mindset fundamentals and automatic and subconscious part of your every day thinking.
This is an extremely powerful and valuable bonus, that will impact you for the rest of your life in all areas of wealth generation.

Product Image:

Digital Proof Folder

Use these images in your promotion as you see fit: Digital Proof (Compiled)

Case Study Groove Embed Codes:

Want to embed one or more of our case studies on your thank you page for your webinar?

Or perhaps you want to set up one on another custom page that redirects to your encore, to have a different angle for an additional mailing.

Here is a spreadsheet that has the embed codes in them, plus it links to sample pages that has copy on the pages so you know how to describe each of these case studies…

Click Here To Access The Embed Codes

Prelaunch Materials:

If you’d like to produce your own version of the prelaunch materials, and place your own affiliate links inside it (or links to your own private workshop), download these:

Prelaunch 1: Free Book - Word File | Google Docs (File > Make a Copy to Edit)

Prelaunch 2: Profit Roadmap - PNG File | PSD File

Prelaunch 3: Case Studies - Word FileGoogle Docs (File > Make a Copy to Edit)