Tips for JVs Running Private Webinars

Our launch model has changed, in a small but ‘likely to be’ highly effective way…

We have a new way to achieve far even higher conversions than ever before.

Please watch this video:

Additional Resources for Private Webinars

Webinar 1 Registration Page Info & Swipes: Click Here To Download

Webinar 1 Introduction (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here To Download

Webinar 1 Endorsement or Bonuses Section (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here To Download

Webinar 2 Registration Page Info & Swipes: Click Here To Download

Webinar 2 Introduction (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here To Download

Webinar 2 Endorsement or Bonuses Section (To Be Recorded By The JV Partner): Click Here To Download

Case Study Groove Embed Codes:

Want to embed one or more of our case studies on your thank you page for your webinar?

Or perhaps you want to set up one on another custom page that redirects to your encore, to have a different angle for an additional mailing.

Here is a spreadsheet that has the embed codes in them, plus it links to sample pages that has copy on the pages so you know how to describe each of these case studies…

Click Here To Access The Embed Codes

Prelaunch Materials:

If you’d like to produce your own version of the prelaunch materials, and place your own affiliate links inside it (or links to your own private workshop), download these:

Prelaunch 1: Free Book

Prelaunch 2: Roadmap

Prelaunch 3: Case Studies

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